Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Reflecting The Book Of Jonah

So a while back I was watching a video about an Atheist talking about certain verses that caused her to question her faith, and I may do a response article to that in the future but while I was watching the video I was thinking about The Book Of Jonah and how real the book is to humanity. What do I mean? Let's discuss;

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Jesus IS God and Here's Why

So all too often I hear Muslims and various people make the claim that Jesus never claimed to be God or that Jesus never said "I am God, worship me." while they're right about those words never appearing in The Bible they are horribly wrong.  This confusion largely stems from the use of the words "Son" of God, as The Jehova's Witnesses believe Jesus is a son in a literal sense, a god with a little "G" as in a separate being from God Himself (they also believe He's Michael the arch angel but that's a whole other can of worms that I won't get into here.) and so when people see or hear the word "son" they instantly think of "offspring". I'm writing this article because I spoke at my church a while back on this topic and decided I'd write a proper article demonstrating that Jesus Christ is in fact God Himself. Let's dive in;

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Death Note, The Christian Anime?

Here's an article that I never thought I'd write and yet here it is. We're talking about the anime "Death Note", "But, Ugo isn't this a Christian blog? Why are you talking about anime?" you might be asking. Why? I'll tell you why; because "Death Note" is a very Christian anime.  How so? Well for those of you who don't know "Death Note" tells the story of Light Yagami, a Japanese high school student who finds the eponymous Death Note dropped by a Shinigami (Japanese Death God) and uses it to cleanse the world, only to find himself in a cat and mouse game against the world's greatest detective. "Ugo, Japanese death gods? This doesn't sound very Christian." Oh trust me, it is. How? Let's dive in;

Who Told You...?

Hey all, been a minute, I know. But I decided to write this article after a discussion I had with my wife a while back. I was talking to her about Genesis and I realized that the first question God ever asked was "Who told you that you were naked?" and I wondered why this was the first question God ever asked and why He asked this question. Let's dive in;

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Secular High Value Man

I wanted to write this article for a while but I wanted to wait until I actually got my thoughts together in what I imagine may be a long article, BUT since no one is reading this anyway and I doubt very much the parties I'll be sending this article to will read it themselves, I'll just be as long-winded or as short as I wanna be. The crux of this article is going to be about the increasing secularization of The Red Pill Movement. If you're unfamiliar with the term "Red Pill", it's a metaphor from "The Matrix", if you're unfamiliar with "The Matrix", the metaphor goes like this;

The Matrix is a system that controls every thought, feeling, and decision you'll ever make. An idea that has been put in place that you just go along with without any questions as to why.

If you take The Blue Pill you remain in The Matrix and life goes on.
If you take The Red Pill you awaken from The Matrix and start to see things as they really are and start thinking for yourself.

In this case, the metaphor is being used to discuss the gender dynamics of the modern era and I feel like I have a lot to say that hasn't been said about this topic which is why I'm writing this article. To put all my cards on the table I do consider myself Red Pilled and I'll get into why and what that exactly means anyway being as I am a man I do have an interest in men's issues, but I'm also a husband and a father of 2 (boy and girl) and more importantly, I am a Christian and I have much to say about this topic from that perspective. Let's dive in;

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Why Does God Allow Evil?

This was going to be a different article with a sole focus on rape, but I decided that "evil" encompassed all forms of evil up to and including rape, plus the question is often asked in this manner, "Why does God allow evil?" and this is a valid question that has been asked and answered many times but I think I'll add my 2 cents to this question and see what shakes down as I think The LORD has placed this on my heart to discuss. For starters, if any non-believers are reading this and asking this question please understand that the answer may not be satisfactory, as you may not enjoy the answer presented. Likewise, I understand that you don't believe there is a God but your question posits the existence of God so I'll have to answer the question as a believer. Furthermore, I'll be answering this question as thoroughly as possible so this is going to be a long one but this is a very important question and important questions need thorough answers, so let's dive in.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Let's Speak...But In Tongues!!

So a while back I was at a bus stop coming home from school when I saw a lady who was shouting in a language I did not understand, she was not shouting at anyone in particular and she wasn't aggressive she was just rambling. Now me, being the curious sort I am and a bit of Linguaphile decided to ask what language she was speaking to which she replied "I'm speaking in tongues. You can't do that?" and then she continued to ramble. At this point, I rolled my eyes and continued to wait for my bus. I've discussed speaking in tongues but I don't think I've really talked about it so in this article I'm gonna talk about it, so let's dive in.