Sunday, July 21, 2024

Who Told You...?

Hey all, been a minute, I know. But I decided to write this article after a discussion I had with my wife a while back. I was talking to her about Genesis and I realized that the first question God ever asked was "Who told you that you were naked?" and I wondered why this was the first question God ever asked and why He asked this question. Let's dive in;

So Genesis 3 begins The Fall Of Man. However, if we read Genesis all the way to Genesis 3, The Bible says that Adam and Eve (who at this point is only called The Woman) are naked but at no point in time are they informed of this fact. Notice if you read Genesis 3 The Serpent doesn't tell them they're naked, God does not tell them they're naked, The Bible says in Gen 3:7;

"Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves waist coverings."

The Bible says "They Knew", as in they suddenly became aware of their nakedness, but let's extrapolate this even further. Immediately after this realization, notice there isn't a discussion about their nakedness or what to do about it, it said they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings. Who are they covering up for? They were already introduced to each other naked to begin with, The Bible says, God (Jesus) was walking in the cool of the day and called out for Adam, Adam said he hid because he was afraid and naked. Adam was afraid of being seen naked by God despite the fact that he was already naked. So to recap, Adam and Eve have been naked this entire time, and at no point during any of their interactions are they informed by any party that they are naked. So why am I bringing this up?

Because isn't it interesting how something that has been obvious can suddenly come to your realization once you're aware and isn't it awful how something that wasn't a problem before can become a problem? The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good and Evil opened Adam and Eve's minds to the concept of Morality. Instead of choosing God as their moral lawgiver, they choose themselves and suddenly they're naked, even though they've been naked this whole time suddenly their being naked is a problem when it wasn't a problem before. Suddenly there's fear, there's shame where it wasn't present. And God summarizes the entire problem with one simple question "Who told you that you were naked?". God cuts to the chase, the heart of the issue, their nakedness wasn't the problem, their being aware of it was the problem. God didn't teach them fear, God didn't teach them shame, they learned that themselves from eating the fruit. Just shows that God gave them to themselves and it was good, Adam was naked, Eve was naked and they didn't care the only thing that changed was their perception, food for thought.

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