Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sense Out Of The Senseless...

So I wrote a blog post earlier this year about the shooting in Colorado, The Trayvon Martin Case and The Shooting In Norway but it since then there has been a SWARM of other tragedies ravaging the world that just can't keep my attention before the next set of domino comes crashing down. However my blog on Colorado was set off by the insensitive morons who maligned anyone who saw their sense of humor as inappropriate as "moralfags", in this case, I have yet to see any Trolls attempting to make an anti-hero out of The Newtown Shooter (I will call him The Newtown Shooter and I refuse to use his name) Anyways, as I've done before, I'll attempt to address this situation from a Christian perspective and offer my 2 cents...

Note: I apologize for this advance, I'm having a hard time keeping my thoughts together and not because I'm having a hard time grasping the situation, not at all. I'm having a hard time because there have been SO MANY horrible things since Colorado that it's almost too easy to form an "Oh what now?" attitude about things such as these. I don't watch the news mostly because it depresses me and though I am NOT a depressive, I do tend to dwell on things more than I should. So I've developed a somewhat detached outlook on things that only keeps me dealing with facts and figures and hardly emotions. But at the moment I'm grasping to say something emotionally helpful and failing at it miserably. Personally I'm ashamed of this post and I'm not sure why it's on the blog but nonetheless I felt the need to post this, perhaps I'll post something more coherent later...