This was going to be a different article with a sole focus on rape, but I decided that "evil" encompassed all forms of evil up to and including rape, plus the question is often asked in this manner, "Why does God allow evil?" and this is a valid question that has been asked and answered many times but I think I'll add my 2 cents to this question and see what shakes down as I think The LORD has placed this on my heart to discuss. For starters, if any non-believers are reading this and asking this question please understand that the answer may not be satisfactory, as you may not enjoy the answer presented. Likewise, I understand that you don't believe there is a God but your question posits the existence of God so I'll have to answer the question as a believer. Furthermore, I'll be answering this question as thoroughly as possible so this is going to be a long one but this is a very important question and important questions need thorough answers, so let's dive in.