Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Why Does God Allow Evil?

This was going to be a different article with a sole focus on rape, but I decided that "evil" encompassed all forms of evil up to and including rape, plus the question is often asked in this manner, "Why does God allow evil?" and this is a valid question that has been asked and answered many times but I think I'll add my 2 cents to this question and see what shakes down as I think The LORD has placed this on my heart to discuss. For starters, if any non-believers are reading this and asking this question please understand that the answer may not be satisfactory, as you may not enjoy the answer presented. Likewise, I understand that you don't believe there is a God but your question posits the existence of God so I'll have to answer the question as a believer. Furthermore, I'll be answering this question as thoroughly as possible so this is going to be a long one but this is a very important question and important questions need thorough answers, so let's dive in.

So let's first deal with the question's wording, why does God ALLOW evil? Well, for starters God does not "allow" evil. As a Christian, I believe God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving but He is also merciful and just, and thus on our side of Eternity the rapist may not be caught by the police, the dictator may die of old age, the murderer may getaway BUT My God sees and knows all and when these people finally pass away they're gonna have to stand before Him and give an account of their actions and will face the due punishment for their crimes. The reason why these people tend to get away is due to God's mercy, every day the rapist is free is God giving him the opportunity to come clean, every day the murderer is free is God giving him the opportunity to turn themselves in, every day The Dictator draws breath is another day God is giving to rule justly. Because my God is merciful He gives ALL people a chance to correct themselves but in the end, even if they're never brought to justice on our side of Eternity, God has the final word and justice will be served.

Now as a Christian, I believe that all of these people can be redeemed but true redemption for them would be to accept their punishments. Should the rapist turn to Christ, he'd turn himself in and accept whatever sentence is given to him by the court. The victims may not be comforted by this but before God, The Rapist has acknowledged his sin and accepted God's judgment. The same goes for The murderer and the Dictator. This is the part of the message that is hard to hear but nonetheless true for me to say; ALL can be saved, and ALL can be redeemed. There is NO sin too great for God to handle and true redemption for evil-doers starts with acknowledging the evil they've done, turning away from the evil they've done, and correcting or accepting the consequences of that evil. The Rapist cannot unrape someone but they can go to prison for life, the murderer cannot give life back but they can lose theirs. The Dictator cannot undo their actions but they can govern differently. Victims will not like these words but God is for the victims of evil as well and when they cry out for justice, trust and believe God hears them and once again, in the end, justice will always be served. Justice may not be served on our side of Eternity but justice will be served.

So why does God allow evil? Let me explain, I'm a parent of 2 children now and as a parent, the main thing I want from my children is to listen to me when I tell them something. Now being much older and stronger than my children I could easily force them to comply with my demands all the time, but would that be the right thing to do? I love my children and if it were up to me no harm would ever befall them as I imagine all parents would say the same, HOWEVER, as a parent I have 2 options before me, force them to comply or tell them to comply. Do I love my children if I force them to comply? Yes, but to a degree where I'm overriding their will, and as a result of that force will my children love me? Probably not. God could very easily snap His fingers and every single would-be and current rapist, murderer, thief, etc. would vanish in a cloud of dust, but as I've said above where then would God's mercy be? And if I as a Christian am merely complying with God out of fear of turning to dust do I really love Him? God, like a parent, wants His children to CHOOSE to listen to Him. Love CANNOT be expressed through force and CANNOT be given through fear.

Meaning if God forced me to love Him, He does not love me, and if I in turn followed Him because I'm afraid of Him, I don't love Him. So out of love, God is all-loving, He wants us to choose Him. Like any parent I want my children to choose me over whatever influence I see that will work toward their destruction and like any parent I'll provide or allow the consequences of their actions to befall them. So why does God allow evil? Why do parents let their kids disobey them? God doesn't allow evil out of love He allows CHOICE and out of CHOICE we CHOOSE evil and the "allowing" is God's mercy bestowed up on the evil-doer to repent. When you commit an evil deed a sort of countdown begins and you're riding God's mercy until He either exposes you or deals with you, but the consequences of your actions will appear, not today or tomorrow but they will find you and God gives you mercy to right whatever wrong you did before its too late.

God gives us CHOICES we CHOOSE evil. Evil is not a thing in and of itself, evil is the corruption of things that already are. God gave us sex and told us the parameters in which we're supposed to have it, we invented rape. God gave us life and thus as a giver of life He can also take it, that's His domain, we invented murder. In all things, God gives us a CHOICE out of Love to CHOOSE Him out of Love and we CHOOSE to listen to what we believe is right rather than what He told us is right, and that always leads to chaos. Proverbs 3:5-6 says:

"5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight."

"4 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

finally Romans 12:2 says;

"2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

God is constantly urging us to CHOOSE Him, to TRUST Him, to LOVE Him and He's given us His word so we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt what He wants from us,  how we're supposed to act, and why we should CHOOSE Him. But leaves the CHOICE in our hands because if He forced us He cannot be all-loving because love cannot be forced. But if He allowed evil He cannot be just, but if He punished evil immediately He cannot be merciful. After all, the righteous don't need mercy only the wicked, therefore all of God's attributes work together for our benefit. God WILL punish evil on His timetable after all God says in Duet 32:35 and Romans 12:17-19;

"35 Vengeance is Mine, and retribution;
In due time their foot will slip.
For the day of their disaster is near,
And the impending things are hurrying to them."

"17 Never repay evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all people. 18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all people. 19 Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written: “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord."

So God IS going to avenge you, and justice WILL be served, maybe not on this side of eternity but it WILL happen. Lastly, I wanna talk about a sobering thought I had regarding evil and parenthood. I've often asked myself what would I do should my children turn to evil? If I knew my son had raped someone, not an accusation, but if I knew I'd turn my son in. If I knew my children committed murder, not an accusation, but if I knew I'd turn my children in. If I knew my children stole I'd make sure they returned the item. The reason is that love seeks the best of us and if I truly love my children the greatest act of love I can do as a parent when my children are in the midst of great acts of evil is to stop them and that means I may have to take an action that will hurt me. These thoughts are sobering reminders of how God views the choices He makes with us. God takes no pleasure in smiting the wicked but smite He must to prevent more wickedness. God does not allow evil, He allows CHOICE, and we CHOOSE evil. If you're reading this and you're a non-believer I urge you to CHOOSE Christ! He is merciful and good. He loves you more than you can understand and He offers you peace, justice, mercy, and grace. Peace from the world that tells you to panic and be anxious, justice if you're a victim and our human abilities could only do so much for you, mercy if you are wicked or have done wrong and want to make it right, and grace for the times you try and fail to get it right but keep trying nonetheless. Peace in Christ, my friends.

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