Tuesday, January 2, 2024

The Secular High Value Man

I wanted to write this article for a while but I wanted to wait until I actually got my thoughts together in what I imagine may be a long article, BUT since no one is reading this anyway and I doubt very much the parties I'll be sending this article to will read it themselves, I'll just be as long-winded or as short as I wanna be. The crux of this article is going to be about the increasing secularization of The Red Pill Movement. If you're unfamiliar with the term "Red Pill", it's a metaphor from "The Matrix", if you're unfamiliar with "The Matrix", the metaphor goes like this;

The Matrix is a system that controls every thought, feeling, and decision you'll ever make. An idea that has been put in place that you just go along with without any questions as to why.

If you take The Blue Pill you remain in The Matrix and life goes on.
If you take The Red Pill you awaken from The Matrix and start to see things as they really are and start thinking for yourself.

In this case, the metaphor is being used to discuss the gender dynamics of the modern era and I feel like I have a lot to say that hasn't been said about this topic which is why I'm writing this article. To put all my cards on the table I do consider myself Red Pilled and I'll get into why and what that exactly means anyway being as I am a man I do have an interest in men's issues, but I'm also a husband and a father of 2 (boy and girl) and more importantly, I am a Christian and I have much to say about this topic from that perspective. Let's dive in;

I first heard about The Red Pill Movement before it was called The Red Pill Movement by Karen Straughn, a Youtuber who was an outspoken critic of Feminism as it applied to The Court System, child custody cases, domestic violence, the gender pay gap, etc. all instances where Men were systematically labeled as victimizer without too much of a fuss from anyone. Where guilt of the man was assumed first and then evidence needed to be found, not to prove innocence but to support the assumed guilt. A case in point is the recent Johnny Depp/Amber Heard situation, where the mere allegation of domestic violence on Johnny Depp's part cost him his position with Disney as Captain Jack Sparrow. While Amber Heard was no doubt exposed as the heel in the situation the consequences for slandering a man weren't so severe as she was still in "Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom" although in a vastly reduced role, and film studios have yet to openly cut ties with her. In Johnny Depp's case, the violence was actually the other way around with Heard in a recording openly saying that she did in fact hit him but didn't deck him (paraphrasing). Had the roles been as Heard said they were and it had been Johnny saying on a recording that he did hit her but didn't punch her the case wouldn't have even seen the inside of a courtroom. Take Johnathan Majors who was exposed as having engaged in domestic violence his career is over as his manager, agency and Marvel has cut ties with him, publically.

Furthermore, divorce statistics and whatnot point to a large trend where women were actually the primary initiators of divorce, and a lot of those divorces weren't due to domestic violence or infidelity, not to mention when it came to abortion "rights" vs. dead beat dads; culture has always landed on the side of "No uterus, no opinion.", while men who abandon their children are scorned, women who aborted their children are looked upon with pity. Women who've slept around in their 20s when they were young and attractive, suddenly gain 150lbs. and finally wanna settle down with a good man when they're in their 30s and 40s. Getting married at 90lbs. going up to 200lbs. and still expecting your husband to find you attractive and woe be tied to you if you even mention it.  Men even having weight as a preference. Quick shout-out to the women who don't use having kids as an excuse to not maintain their appearance, Jordan Pizano, Bernadine Bluntly, Allie Beth Stuckey, and Lauren Chen, you're doing right by your husbands.

Some of you are even rolling your eyes at that example and thinking that's shallow, but that's an issue that men deal with that they don't talk about. A man notices when his wife put on weight, especially if they were smaller but a man isn't going to say anything about it because he'd get yelled at, and rather than deal with that he'd rather say nothing. This isn't to say he's going to stop loving her, he'd just enjoy her more if she lost weight. Notice, that the love is still present, the enjoyment is what's waning. The funny thing is the fact that I had to write this section shows that even I'm afraid of how this will be perceived. The purposeful withholding of sex within marriages. Not to mention divorce often results in men being on the losing end, losing their resources and other things. This can sometimes result in men turning to self-termination. This has become the norm as of late and it's only gotten worse with the rise of easy access to pornography, OnlyFans, and dating apps. 

To be clear NONE of this is aspirational or should be the cause of envy for anyone, BUT this was the first time I've heard these double standards listed out so clearly and it got me thinking and led me down The Rabbit Hole of my Red Pill journey. I imagine the same is true for a lot of other men as well who hadn't heard these arguments before. Anyway, out of all of that came the rise of The Red Pill Movement. Out of that movement came several figures Andrew Tate, Justin Waller, Pearl Davis, and Jordan Peterson. I won't talk too much about Jordan Peterson because despite being secular in nature Jordan Peterson doesn't share the same views as Waller and Tate, but because Peterson speaks primarily to men about self-improvement more so than gender politics he's still counted amongst figures in The Red Pill Movement. That being said Jordan Peterson would be the school of thought I mostly subscribe to when it comes to The Red Pill Movement, hence why I consider myself a Red Piller.

HOWEVER, Tate, Waller, and Pearl despite talking about men's issues and really hitting the nail on the head when it comes to several things: after all Pearl is firmly pro-life, pro-family, pro-modesty, pro-chastity, pro-health, pro-marriage (kinda, I'll explain why later), anti-pornography. Those are the pros when it comes to Pearl and the major gripe a lot of people have with Pearl is that she's incredibly crass in how she presents her arguments, to the point where she calls large women "whales", granted this isn't entirely accurate as she's had large women on her program that she didn't insult, so the term "whales" was only used as a pejorative when large women over-inflate their sense of attractiveness.

As for Andrew Tate, I haven't listened to him a lot but I  saw one clip where he talked about how he was celebrating his grandmother's birthday how many people were with her, and how important family was as opposed to money and experiences (sexual or otherwise). This resonated with me. And once again Tate is very crass (not as crass as Pearl) and very direct in what he says, leaving no room to be misunderstood (he doesn't beat around the bush like yours truly). Waller, I don't know much about but he's the primary crux of this article and I'll get into why in a bit. But Tate and Waller have been labeled as "High-Value Men". However, this "High Value" status is purely material and not spiritual. Between Tate and Waller a growing sentiment within The Red Pill Movement is the concept of "High Value Men" being allowed to have sex outside of marriage under the condition that said "High Value" continues to provide for his family. Basically, "High-Value Men" should be allowed to have a harem. Tate and Waller both subscribe to this line of thinking.

Pearl is a bit of an outlier as I've been watching her content for a while now and I've seen her argument morph over time. Her original argument (the one I agree with) is that if a woman gets with a man who is "High Value"  she should accept all that comes with that, especially if said man is a known womanizer. I don't agree with the argument to excuse the behavior, rather the sentiment is if you're dating someone who is used to sleeping with random women whenever they want, what makes you think you're going to be enough for them? Basically marrying a "high value" man is a risk. I agree. But later on, Pearl's argument morphed into her excusing infidelity, which is her right to do for the sake of keeping her family together. Statistically, children in divorced households are at great risk of bad outcomes, so Pearl's excusing of infidelity is purely clinical, hence why I said she's kinda pro-marriage, because if someone is doing something outside of a marriage can it really be called a marriage? I'd argue it couldn't. This isn't exactly the same as Waller and Tate's argument. Pearl is saying IF infidelity happens, Tate and Waller are saying infidelity SHOULD. Note the difference. Pearl is saying she would excuse the infidelity, but Tate and Waller are saying there is nothing to excuse.

But here in lies the issues I have with The Red Pill Movement and this concept of High Value Man only lies in material goods. Tate and Waller are both very wealthy men but ultimately that's it. There is no real depth to them that I've seen other than their wealth, and while they may say some things are accurate and drop nuggets of wisdom here and there, that doesn't mean that they are in fact, high-value men. The fact that these men are being propped up as if they are is disturbing to me because they're promoting infidelity as their right because of their wealth, which to me showcases a considerable lack of discipline and self-control. Listen to what I'd consider a high-value woman, Lila Rose call out Waller on his nonsense.
In one simple question, Lila Rose exposed Waller as a MASSIVE, MASSIVE, MASSIVE hypocrite because what he said about "fixing himself" and living life on "his terms" is the SAME EXACT argument he'd hear from the very women he'd consider low-value and he had NO defense and resorted to a non-answer. These so-called "High Value" Men have been promoted and it's only getting worse as you have ACTUAL pornstar Stirling Cooper talking about "High Value" and promoting Harem culture and that's something I cannot co-sign.

Money does not make a man and these "high-value" men are showing off their love of money as money is the tool that allows them to do as they please. Rather than these men, I'd like to submit some actual High-Value Men; Voddie Baucham, he's direct and unapologetic in his love for Christ and, The Church and he stands for masculinity as Jesus displayed it. I don't know his net worth and nor do I care, Voddie was once a large man but has managed to lose weight and get his health under control. He speaks with power, not from himself but from Christ;

Another High-Value Man is Josh Bromme, a former porn star who turned his life over to Jesus and became a pastor. This is a man who was living the harem life of being able to have sex with women most men can only dream about and Josh gave it all up for one woman and a family.

Another High-Value Man is Matt Walsh, a man of principles and consistency. Matt Walsh is crass but he's kind in the sense that he's honest and direct with his speech, leaving very little to interpretation. Matt Walsh will admit he's wrong when he's wrong but will call out B.S. when B.S. is there to be called out. I don't know Matt's net worth, and Matt isn't the most jacked guy in the room, but his willingness to face a firing squad of nonsense head-on, to jump in the lion's den every time shows that he's a man of principles. He's merely armed with the truth and he defends it over and over and over, no matter how big or how small, because as a high-value man, he's able to see beyond now and understand the implications further down the road. 

There are a lot of High-Value Men saying exactly what The Red Pill Movement is saying BUT the major difference is THESE MEN have Christ in their lives and because they do they're able to articulate what they're saying more effectively without any holes in their logic because it's consistent. Nick Freitas, I'd say is a HIT FACTORY of wisdom, I have never seen this man miss, and The Red Pill Movement can be boiled down to a single clip which Nick sums up perfectly;

As a father of a little boy and little girl and as a man who did not have a father (shocker, right?) men must hear advice from other men, and if you've grown up like me where all you've had was your older brother and we're both in the same boat of trying to figure it out as we go along, it's no small wonder why in a Fatherless culture as we're seeing now The Red Pill Movement is catching on. I've spent my whole life surrounded by nothing but women, every major person in my life has been a woman, from teachers all the way to bosses, I've hardly had a man in my life so hearing men speak the truth or talk about issues directly about me and my son is sobering and comforting.

And lastly, a high-value man is every man out there who is not only willing to admit their flaws but work on their flaws by submitting themselves to Christ. A High-Value Man stands for truth, discipline, self-control, speaking with authority when you have it, and listening when you don't, a High-Value Man leads by example with wisdom and courage. A High-Value Man is a man who models Christ more and more as he goes out into the world and The Red Pill Movement would benefit greatly from hearing from these men more often and hearing about Christ and how He dealt with gender politics because He did and He had quite a bit to say about men and women and their relationships. If The Red Pill Movement keeps going down this road of promoting degeneracy but only for men they'll be no better than the culture they're rallying against, Justin Waller showed that his fragile worldview couldn't stand against a simple question, but Christ can stand against anything and if we're REALLY about Men's issues we need to consult THE Man, and that's Christ. Simply reading about Him and how He interacted with others will show you what Manhood is all about. Not only that but reading about various figures in The Bible will show you the attributes God wants from His men. I encourage everyone who considers themselves Red Pillers, there is some good stuff there definitely BUT without a Biblical foundation you're not going to be able to tell what's good and what's bad, what to keep and what to discard. That's all I have to say on the matter, Peace in Christ.

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